Tuesday, 26 May 2009

The Drawing Room micro-festival outside Tate Modern

The Drawing Room represented as part of the House of Fairy Tales festival outside Tate Modern on 23-24-25 May. We had our own very spacious marquee (see picture) into which we'd invited artists, collectives, performers and bands, and it all went remarkably well.
There was a hell of a lot of drawing, some drinking (mainly afterwards), and generally hanging out by the river over a the so far hottest and most gorgeous weekend this year.

Apart from the Drawing Room gang we first had Amelia Johnstone cutting paper drawings and being harassed by a reactionary mother, Material of Ludlow being over-run in a badge-making frenzy, the Mighty Low rocking out the day.
On Sunday we started with a banquet, followed by a 10m-drawing of the Thames as imagined by LE GUN and the great unwashed, the amazing printed drawing games produced by heretic, and the Bohemianauts for some gypsy klezmer pop classics at the end.
And on Monday we followed two hours of dress-up&draw with Strangeworks' hilarious 'blackboard drama' and Lina B Frank's crazy performance machine and finished the sticky day with Victorian punk revivalists the Rubbishmen of Soho.

In retrospect I think it was a supremely successful event, we did get loads of people drawing and enjoying themselves. The children-to-adult ratio grew over the three days, which was ok, but unfortunately this meant the parent-to-normal people ratio also increased dramatically, and while on Saturday I did feel like smacking a few of the pushy, narrow minded, overbearing parents, on Sunday I would have liked to punch them and by Monday evening I was ready to shoot them. Refusing to get involved themselves as in their minds 'drawing is just for kids' - but constantly 'correcting' their children's drawings, some literally taking their pens and intruding them with their 'ideas'. Thankfully there were others who were just fabulous and got right into the spirit.

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